Wednesday, January 9, 2008

be the pack leader!

I'm a big fan of The Dog Whisperer... Cesar does a great job of showing humans that once they start being balanced, their dogs will start being balanced... that our dogs are just mirrors of ourselves. His therapy is usually geared more towards the dog's owners than the dog itself.

I just finished his book, "Be the Pack Leader"... it sounds like a cliche motivational book, but it is full of profound, simple statements and strategies for not only taking control of your dog, but your life (let's all sing around the fire now... haha).

His philosophies about life in general intrigue me. He is all about combining research with our own observations. In the animal kingdom, everything is communicated non-verbally; body language, etc. It is just the same for us humans. The energy that we project speaks volumes more than the words we are speaking (this goes beyond the standard '90% of communication is non-verbal' statement... it is about an overall state of mind and self perspective). He really just wants us all to have fulfilling, balanced lives. Hmmm...sounds familiar...

Cesar Millan is doing what we are all created to do, in my opinion: rehabilitating, restoring, and rejuvenating people; putting pieces back together and creating beauty from what is often a terrible situation. He simply does it in his own unique, gifted way: by rehabilitating dogs and helping people realize that they have value on this earth.

We all play a part in this bigger story. We all have gifts, abilities, experiences and resources that give us a specific role. He is doing his part... are you and I doing ours?

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