Sunday, December 30, 2007


brian mclaren is without a doubt one of my favorite authors. he is one of the 'fathers' of the emerging church movement, and has some very interesting things to say. [if you want to read his works, i would recommend starting with his earlier three-book set: 'a new kind of christian', 'the story we find ourselves in', and 'the last word and the word after that'. he will shatter some of the philosophies that were engrained in you growing up... and it can be a little unsettling... but i am convinced that it is for the good.

i recently found this article, entitled "10 questions for brian mclaren." it doesn't exactly introduce a person to the emerging church philosophy, but he does convey his opinion (which stems from the philosophy) about some interesting topics. a great read.

brian also recently posted on his website "Refections on 2007," found here.

it addresses the good things happening around the world and in the church, as well as criticism the emerging movement has faced (to which he stresses we never respond in a harsh or abrasive way, citing the words of MLK Jr.).

anyway... both a good read.

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