Monday, December 10, 2007

all songs considered

i have to share this nugget of goodness.... NPR puts out a lot of podcasts, but this one is a gem. "Live Concerts from All Songs Considered" is a podcast of full-length live concerts by great, great artists, a lot of whom aren't mainstream but have HUGE followings and many of you probably like.

Iron & Wine, Rilo Kiley, Animal Collective, Travis, The Polyphonic Spree, Ben Gibbard (Death Cab frontman), Explosions in the Sky, Arcade Fire, Black Keys, Arctic Monkeys, etc...

Right now I'm listening to a show by my man Jose Gonzalez (thanks Derek)... just him and his geetar... great stuff. These aren't big tour bands with their big productions. These are small, intimate, just plain old music playin' shows. Check it out and make your iPod happy.... or you can just play them straight from the iTunes store while you have a snow day like me! (evil laugh....)

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