Wednesday, June 11, 2008

motivation station

I'm a teacher, and I'm off for the summer... and I know some of you are like, "lucky!" and "you suck!" and "you no-good couch potato!" But I swear, if you saw what I just put up with for 9.5 months, you would agree that the break is justified! Anyway, I did nothing today, and I'm not proud of it. I had plans to get some things done... didn't work out. I have to get motivated.

The problem is that I'm easily distracted by two things: tv (espn) and the internet (perusing my daily sites... blogs, news, sports, music, etc...). Yesterday I turned off the tv and stayed away from the internet for 5 hours or so. It was great. I got bored. So I had to find things to do, and low and behold, those things were productive... lots of reading, a couple household chores, errands, yard work... I'm going to make a strong attempt to do this more often...

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