Friday, April 18, 2008


I will remember this day forever! Everyone has an earthquake story, so here's mine:

At about 4:30 am, our dog Harper wakes us up, like any other night... like he needs to go out. Lyndsey and I are negotiating who gets to take him out when the window in our bedroom starts shaking violently (we have old, rattly windows). Lyndsey freaks out that someone's trying to break in, and has her phone out ready to call 911... I keep saying, "It's just the wind, it's just the wind...". Then we realize that we can hear other windows in the house shaking.... WEIRD... She immediately said it was an earthquake, but I stuck to my wind story. Until I woke up later and watched the news... I didn't feel our house shake at all, but it sounded like the windows were going to bust out!

The animal stories I've heard are the most fascinating. Our dog woke us up not two minutes before it hit; could have been coincidence, but I don't think so. When it was over and I did take him outside, I noticed that it was eerily quiet, except for some dogs or coyotes howling in the distance (again weird). On the news, a lady called in and said that the birds were singing before the earthquake hit, but she noticed them stop and silence fell for a few minutes.... then the quake hit. How freaky would that be? When I got out of bed about an hour later, sure enough the birds were back to singing like crazy.

1 comment:

emily and kyle said...

Us women always know what is going on! :)