Tuesday, June 16, 2009

new site up and running

(with some work to do...)...


For privacy reasons, we have password protected it. If you would like to visit, just shoot me an e-mail or msg of some kind, or post your e-mail in a comment. We'll send you the password and you'll be good to go.

Enjoy, and goodbye to this blog! (There is a blog on the new site).

Monday, June 15, 2009

New site coming soon...

Soon I will be launching a new site for both Lyndsey and I... more to come soon.

Friday, June 12, 2009

the day

there are certain events in life that just make optimism reign for the moment... that there is good and there are those who truly care about this world. the future is bright...

i was pulling a vine out of a tree, and a motherbird started sounding her alarm. i noticed a nest, but proceeded anyway, and her yells turned into shrieks... it was obvious that she was willing to sacrifice herself for the sake of her nest. keep protecting those little ones, motherbird.

also got to overhear/watch from a distance as one of the little neighbor boys seemed to pick up on riding a bike for the first time, as his mother/cheerleader coached. someone was putting all of their self into the life of someone else.