Friday, January 16, 2009

eventful week

some random thoughts....

-farewell to President George W. Bush. i, personally, have always liked the guy. i haven't agreed with every decision or policy, but i think he's a person who means it when he says he "had the best interest of our people in mind." we watched his farewell address last night, and i thought it was rather somber, and rather sad that he has to use his last days to defend himself. give him his dues.

-i started grad school this week, albeit an undergraduate course that is a prerequisite for the program. i have a much greater respect for the process now that i fully understand the $cost$ of sitting in each classroom. i'm going to learn all that i can... if i would have only had that mindset when i was an undergrad...

-plane crashes into the hudson river, everyone survives.... WOW. 100+ people on board. and every life could have been lost so easily... such a fine line. what an amazing event. kudos to that flight crew!

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